Metin2 private servers

Mt2Gold - Join the Golden Army

Mt2Gold - Experienta Unica de Joc Site oficial: 🔹 Tip server: PVM Easy-Mediu 🔹 Level maxim: 125 🔹 Rate marite: 100% 🔹 PVP echilibrat
Votes: 283

Timen Romania

Bine ati venit pe serverul Timen Romania. Deschis pe 14 Aprilie 2020 ! Modul de joc este unul clasic asemanator anilor 2009-2011
Votes: 150

Metin2FightAround PvM Mediu International

Nivel Maxim: 120 International PvM-Mediu Mape Unice (Inclusiv Officiale)
Votes: 4


Metin2FRZ - PVM MEDIUM - International server - New System 4K Graphics - New Maps - Improve Gameplay - Max. Level 99
Votes: 2

Lycan Metin2 - Reborn 2018

Midschool Server Lycan Metin2 2017, Rates 1000x, Max LvL 105, Active Lycan Character, New maps, New items, Multy events, No lagg, Itemshop, Great staff, New adventure Join now
Votes: 0

Metin2UG - Server PvM Easy

Server PvM Easy, unicat in Romania, de lunga durata, lvl maxim 125, rate 250, server deschis de pe data de 17092017 Serverul are evolutii unice, mape speciale farm, systeme multe noi si utile Skype OwN: feleaflorin14
Votes: 0

Metin2Revenge PvM-Medium

Server PvM-Medium spre Easy , fara 6/7 , DMG echilibrat intre rase , Dungeonuri functionale , costume rar intalnite in 2018 fara a dona STAFF 20+ Te asteptam alaturi de noi pentru a descoperii mai mult Pana in 1 Ianuarie primiti premiu de inceput direct din quest in inventar
Votes: 0

Empire Metin2 - UltraFun 2018

Empire Metin2 Ultra-Fun Server,Max level is 250 - Rates: Exp 500 , Drop 500 , Yang 500 - New Petshop, new items , new evolutions, Mode PvP-PvM - Custom Maps - No Lagg - Daily Events - Join now
Votes: 0

Metin2 FRZ

Metin2FRZ server Lvl max 120 PVM-PVP Rates: EXP: 350x Drop: 350x Gold: 350x 99,00 Up time, No Lag, No Bugs, System Fum, System Title, Skinuri arme, Pet-uri noi, Multe animale de calarit, Harti Beta, Un Staff bun
Votes: 0


Pvm-Pvp Level 250 Evolutii pana la 250 5inventare Fara modate Fara ape Fara roua Sistem weapon skin Sistem curele Sistem fum Sistem esarfe Switchbot implementat Yang nelimitat New maps 1
Votes: 0


Metin2Legend a fost creat din pasiune, pentru adevaratul joc din trecut care intre timp a apus din cauza nenumaratelor update-uri oferite de producator. Incercam sa readucem la viata actiunea orientala MMORPG care ne-a marcat copilariile in urma cu aproape 10 ani!
Votes: 0

Black Sails Global

Numele serverului: BlackSails Global Canale deschise: 4 Nivel maxim: 250
Votes: 0

WoM3 - The Path of the Dragon

The sky has fallen! The battle for Johwa is here! Join a dynasty and fight for supremacy! International server - Level max 110 - PvM
Votes: 0

Top 100 Metin2 privat szerverek

HIGH RATE Server - EXP:5000x Drop:5000x Yang:5000x - Instant Level 255 - 24/7 On-line - Welcoming GMS - Not any LAGGING - Simply no working with hamachi - Terrific Staff - Zero Bequest - Be part of NOW!
Votes: 0

ENTRADA2 | PVM MEDIUM | INTERNATIONAL | Server started 02.08.2022

Pvm Medium, Max lvl. 120, Rate: 10%, Gameplay pana la cianit cu evolutii noi si multe alte iteme noi cum nu ati vazut pana acum , shop offline, peturi, mount, costume, frizuri. Te asteptam pe server!
Votes: 0

Metin2 Global - PvM Mediu

Nivelul maxim 120 Status maxim 90 Ratele serverului EXP/YANG/DROP 200% Rata fierarului 35-100% Limita de yang este de 1.999.999.999 Yang
Votes: 0

Carystus2 - Server PvM Medium International

Carystus2 its a Metin2 Private Server PvM Medium NewSchool, with 150 rate experience, yang and item its a top metin2 best international server metin2 open today 06/05/2020.
Votes: 0

Metin2Kiss PvP-PvM nivel 250

Mod PvP-PvM de nivel 250 cresti doar prin elixire de exp. 4 Mape farm Materiale pt evoluarea itm in joc + mapa de bosii cu drop mai ridicat. Sisteme Costume, Skin Arma, Buff inventar, Peturi, Depozit special Materiale,Efect Fum Arma
Votes: 0

Metin2FRZ GlobaL

Metin2FRZ Lvl max 250 PvM Medium-FUN Farm 99,00% Up time, No Lag, System Title, System Fum arma/armura, Iteme Premium, Costume Perso, Esarfe 3D, Un Staff bun.
Votes: 0

Metin2Ames Pvm/Hard Medium

Este un server Pvm/Hard /medium Deschiderea va avea loc pe data de 25-11-2020 ora 18:00 Va asteptam alaturi de noi cu premii pentru primi veniti :)
Votes: 0


Deschidere alchemy2 in data de : 25/02/2021 la ora 20.00 Bun venit pe serverul privat de metin2 Alchemy2 PVM-Action Hai si tu pe cel mai de success server de metin2. Serverul va fi unul de durata. Prezentare server :
Votes: 0

WorldOfGods2 International metin2 server 2021

The WoGII server will open on 27-March-2021 at 17.00 ( uk time )
Votes: 0

Metin2Clasico un servar pvm mediu lv105

Metin2Clasico un servar pvm Mediu clasic cu un lv de 105 rate de 200%
Votes: 0

BattleWoM2 Fara alchimie si fara esarfe

BattleWoM2 Fara alchimie si fara esarfe PVM easy Serverul se va deschide pe data de: 14-mai-2021 la ora 14.00
Votes: 0


Asuki2 PVM MEDIU SERVER level max 112
Votes: 0

Masters of War

A brand new classic Metin2 hard server opens its gates on 18th November 2021. We are waiting for you!
Votes: 0

EfesM2 Server PvM Hard Start 11/08/2022

EfesM2 opened the doors for those players eager for PVM/PVP. | Lv.max 120 | With a Staff that is at your disposal. | Events that will help you in your evolution. | Use the best equipment to put your opponent to the ground | EfesM2 welcomes you!
Votes: 0

ENTRADA2 | PVM MEDIUM | INTERNATIONAL | Server started 02.08.2022

Server metin2 pvm medium cu level maxim 120 , sisteme precum alchimie , costum weapons , evolutii pana la cianit , sistem pet , costume , weapons , mounts , effect arme , armuri etc!
Votes: 0


New server , level maxim 120 en/ro
Votes: 0

Afrodit2 ||The Real 1-99 Oldschool Server

Language: English Max level: 99 Drop rate : % 0 (zero) Max Weapon & Armor : 90 lvl Max stones : 4 Bonuses : Standard bonuses from Metin2 Uppsystem : Items can break at +1-9. Uppitems are of course necessary the standard items. Horse : Horse medals must be farmed
Votes: 0