Private servers list

Armygrid: Chess MMO-RTS-RPG

Browser MMO-RTS-RPG about a Chess reality - a Chess is a massive medieval army. If Chess fights - you see the massive armies fight animation, and the stronger army wins. Build defensive towers, walls, spread territory and gold income by occupying tiles, upgrade armies, upgrade Chess figures!
Votes: 150

LastChaos Universal EP4

Last Chaos Universal is New EP4 Server - Custom rates - Max level 200 - Start equipment +18 - Max Weapon Upgrade +20 - Max Armor upgrade +25 - New Premium System with buff and learning skills - Color Name System - New system - New graphic, new items, more fun Vote us and enjoy LCUniversal
Votes: 150

MuElegant S6E3 - 5000X - OPENING 1 Feb

MuElegant S6EP3 [Exp X5000][Autoparty, Off store, Off leveling] [Buy, Sell items in Market][Amaizing Drops] [Grand Reset Rewards][Weekly Siege Winners rewards][Balanced PVP][Epic Bosses With Great Loot],Exciting gameplay guarantied!
Votes: 150

AirFlyFF Latino

[DISCORD: rPJWVaE][All Rates x5][v16][Open 2017]. Servidor Traducido al Español, GMs Activos de habla hispana, Siege 4 veces a la semana. Ademas el juego ira avanzando su version, agregando items, sistemas y caracteristicas personalizadas. [Max 135][3er Job][Farm][PetFiltro][DropLog][Otros]
Votes: 150

Shaiya Crystals

Shaiya Crystals: Episode 5.4 PvP Area: 15 GRB Schedule: Every Sunday, 7PM Instant Level | KILL Rate: x1 Custom Lapises, Max Lapis Lv5 FREE Crystals Points by Vote FREE Ending Equipments 15 for PvP FREE 30 Day's Consumables CRR, PID, EE PvP, Grinding, Farm
Votes: 150

Arena Silkroad Online

Arena Silkroad Online Cap 110,Start LvL:110,Silk per Hour , Auto Events , GM ACTIVE 24/7 All Day!,SERVER PVP & PVE , About 50Uniques in Server,Emoji Mastery 1Seg Delay , FREE ITEMS EGY A +7 in NPC , New Avatars , New Skills, CH & EURO BALANCED,New Items , New Areas , New Events,New Cashier Package
Votes: 150


Max Level 70 / Max Upgrade +7 / Exp Rate 7000 / No Over Powered Donation / Friendly GM / We are still in development we making our server at it best free suggestion and we might look to it
Votes: 150

Timen Romania

Bine ati venit pe serverul Timen Romania. Deschis pe 14 Aprilie 2020 ! Modul de joc este unul clasic asemanator anilor 2009-2011
Votes: 150

Global DOOM Mu Online season 9

2x servers -Azrael -200x || Asgard - No Reset -5x OFFLEVEL available OFFTRADE available All player have the chance to all items regarding x-shop. Free credits every hour in game / voting system. Daily Events and many more. All new characters gets starting items.
Votes: 150


--01.04.2019-- --MuIsrael-- [Season 8 // Episode 3] [Exp: 50] || »»Special server«« || »»All Quest Works«« || »»Super Lorencia Drops«« »»New Wings«« || --01.04.2019-- --MuIsrael--
Votes: 150


Official Server Launch: Jan. 26, 2019 Episode 11.3 Nameless Island Clsssic Pre-Renewal 2-2 Transcendent Class Exp Rates: 7x/7x Item Drop Rates: 10x Normal Card Drop: 0.5-10 MVP Card Drop: 0.5% MVP & Mini Boss Cards enabled. Max Base Lv.:99 Max Job Lv. : 70 Max Stats: 99 Max Aspd: 190
Votes: 150

Ran Online PH : MAX

RAN ONLINE PH : MAX EP7 210 max level +10 max Upgrade 167 skills no donate set HUntbase server semi quest base no hidden donate 24/7 dedicated server with DDOS protected! FRIENDLY staff! always Update :-)
Votes: 150

UO Evolution - Ultima Online Shard

UO Evolution [DEDICATED SERVER] [AOS/ML/SE/SA] USA shard with the most custom content anywhere! Online over 8 years! Over 750+ players Online! No skill caps, 350 Stat Cap, Fast gains, New Champs, Hundreds of custom monsters/Items, 150+Quests, Custom crafting, Bioengineering, Evo Dragons...
Votes: 150


zucchiran online ep9 private server, 7 class balance gaming system, mid rate. free donation item premium,
Votes: 150

Lineage Coliseum

85 is max level reached as XP rate 300 / SP rate 300. Safe enchant +20 Max enchant +35 Enchant rate 80% to +30 60% to +35 Belaseed no break weapon Improve random enchant +1 / +3 Solid random enchant +1 / +3 no break no delevel item for items D to B Event random enchant +1 / +35 no break.
Votes: 150


Long-term servers! Custom Community board and more! EXP x15 SP x15 Adena x10 Drop chance x3 Spoil chance x5 RateRaidBoss x2 GroupDropItems x2 DropEpolets x2 QuestsDrop x3
Votes: 150


Hello come all play new openned Lineage 2 High Five server Rates 30x No Donate Ithems,No Lags,No Whipe all garant ... Server start 1.3.2019 Bufftime 60 min 26+12 GM shop for S grade,Events..... Save enchant +3max +20 ALT+B menu Come all play for fun:)
Votes: 150


Tired Of Playing Archer Gaming Server? Tryina Play Something Unique and Stable Classic Server? Join US! EP4, Max Level 175, Max Skills Level 167, Open All Skills, Max Upgrade (+16), Freebies Level 165 (+9) Sets and Weapons.
Votes: 150

Game of thrones: Winter is coming

Browser game of the famous series Game of Thrones! Online MMORPG with huge wars and army building. Build a castle and start outsmarting your opponents. Lots of players and both Player vs Player as well as Player vs Enemy action. Your objective is to conquer Westeros - Can you do it?
Votes: 150

Erythrite Online PVE Cap 110 CH EU SILKH Old School G.O April 17th

Cap 110 Old School- EXP Rates 30x- Race Chinese and Europe - Mastery 360 - unique -autoevents - Enable flame fgw to get egy b weapon And more FIND OUT NOW
Votes: 150


Votes: 150

Gemini Station

Gemini Station is a free, online browser-based space RPG. Focus on trade, piracy, or espionage as you upgrade your ship and seek to uncover the source of the mysterious energy readings that keep appearing.
Votes: 150

MafiaShot Browser Game

The Legendary EuroGangster is back with new name! 1. Crimes 2. Steal Cars 3. Organized Crimes 4. Police Chase 5. Scavenge 6. Workout 7. Bullet Factory ( You can own the factory and have revenue ) 8. Casino Games ( You can own the casino games and have revenue ) and much more.....
Votes: 150

Mobsters United

Remake of the original MySpace mobsters game. Under active development. Active community.
Votes: 150

Evolved Perfect World International 1.5.7

Free International private server 157 [x2] - PVP/PVE elements - Glyph System - Ultimate Skills - Max level 105 - 6 Races, 12 Classes - Endgame gear Rank 9 - The perfect server to chill with your friends - GRIND to WIN - 24/7 Support on Discord - NO pay to win
Votes: 150

LEGiONMU S6 EP3 Original Server

LegionMu is a private server that combine both classic Mu experience and new Mu seasons features to achieve a great experience, come join us and follow for more info!
Votes: 143

Return To Glory 1-19 Twink [Titans-League]

1-19 Twink, A permanent home for the community, All dungeons 19, all quests 19, play the whole game as 19 - We have an active friendly community - Many cool additions -JOIN US- lets dungeon/arena/bg/hunt rares/re-explore the game as 19. instFPs, collectible mounts, pets + more!
Votes: 123

OriginalMu 0.97-0.99 exp:70>5 drop:50

Why do you need to play OriginalMu exactly? Loyal admins No cheaters Constant server updates Many new monsters Many spots for different professions Stable server Without wipes Economics of Zen Reset system Old good 0.97-0.99 server
Votes: 116

Mafia Kingdoms

BRAND NEW GAME 2025 - Mafia Kingdoms is a MMORPG that will take you through the life of a Mobster. Make friends or enemies. Choose how you want to play. "Where Loyalty Is Bought and Power Is Taken"
Votes: 111

MU Renaissance

The server just opened (January 24th). Join MU Renaissance now! MU Renaissance server is a hardcore, long-term adventure that brings back the classic MU Online experience you know and love. Season 2-3 mix; Exp: 1x; No Resets; Zen-based economy; Modern and user-friendly interface; 5 classes.
Votes: 111